September 12, 2016

The Path to Value Pricing (Find Your Moose edition)

Last week I was in Chicago to present a talk at a business conference for software developers called Find Your Moose 2016.

Here’s the description of my talk:

The Path To Value Pricing: How to Remove Your Self-Imposed Income Limits

If you’re like most consultants, you bill yourself out on an hourly basis. This process effectively devalues your services and puts a cap on your income. In this session, Jonathan talks about how hourly billing holds your business back, prevents you from doing your best work, and can even damage your relationships with clients. Jonathan will describe an alternative method called value pricing and will give you a few ways to transition your business from hourly billing to value pricing.

In this session you will learn:

The session was recorded and I believe it’ll be available in a month or two. I’ll be sure to let you know when it’s up.

In the meantime, you might be interested in my slides which you can view on slideshare here:

I have exposed detailed speaker notes in the slides so you can get a feel for the narrative.



BTW - Have I mentioned that hourly billing is nuts?
