September 26, 2017

The Double Thank You Phenomenon

Most days, I buy coffee at a little place called Karley’s Café. When I am done paying, Karley and I both say “thank you!”

How come one of us doesn’t say “you’re welcome”?

Karley is the one receiving money, so should she say “thank you” and I say “you’re welcome”?

On the other hand, I’m the one receiving the product, so should I say “thank you” and Karley say “you’re welcome”?

Have you ever noticed this “double thank you” phenomenon? Do you know what’s behind it?

It’s not that we’re both overly polite.

The reason Karley and I both say “thank you” is that we both profited from the exchange.

I wanted the coffee more than I wanted the two dollars, and Karley wanted my two dollars more than she wanted to keep the coffee.

We are both better off.

We are both happier.

Understanding the concept of mutual profit is a requirement if you want to do a good job setting equitable prices based on value for your products and services.

To help drill the concept home, check out episode 6 of Ditching Hourly:

The Red Ballon

Even if you’ve already heard this one, give it another listen and see if it doesn’t sink in a little more.


