October 28, 2019

The Publishing Challenge

Sent by Jonathan Stark on October 28th, 2019

NOTE: Don’t miss out! The early bird discount for The Pricing Seminar ends tonight. For details, see the P.S. at the end of this message.

To kick off our second hundred episodes of TBOA, Rochelle and I have put together something a little different for you this week:

The 5 in 5 Publishing Challenge

Here’s what Rochelle had to say about the publishing challenge on her website:

Why publishing? Because consistently producing content and then actually sharing it is the single most important building block in your authority business. Join us as we cover habits, discipline, beginner’s mind and how to leverage your work across multiple platforms.

!!! LISTEN NOW !!!

(Be sure to listen all the way through to learn how you could end up coming on TBOA as our guest!)

Talking Points

Quotable Quotes

“If you feel like you have writer’s block, double-check that you really have a clear idea of who you’re writing for.” –JS

“I would say, go with where your passion and your heart is, related to your area of expertise.” –RM

“Find pains, find questions, and just answer them.” –JS

“I think the key is to just put it out there and to have the feeling that we all have when you hit that publish button.”–RM

Sharing is caring!

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