October 8, 2020

“What can I do to get paid more for projects?” and more...

In today’s group coaching session, we had a bunch of good questions that touched on topics like:

Plus, we did a deep dive on some novel ways to position a generalist digital marketing business in a small local market.

Good stuff!

Here are some of the questions I answered today:

Hi JS. I’ve recently invested in developing my first white paper resource (ie. a lead magnet) that targets my primary buyer (ie. CMO of an eComm brand using Shopify). What are some tips on getting the most mileage from this type of resource as it relates to a LFPS? (timestamp: 1m 40s)

I have heard you suggest to write the project value into the proposal, to anchor high against the project price. However I don’t think this is in your proposal template. Do you recommend always doing this? (timestamp: 9m 1s)

I find it easier to have a value conversation when my clients have a problem, versus when they’ve identified a new opportunity. This maybe because I can diagnose the level of pain with an existing problem, whereas a new opportunity is completely unknown. I assume your approach to both situations is the same (Why conversation). But can you offer any tips on how I can frame this situation differently? (timestamp: 14m 28s)

You recently answered my question about value pricing. One comment you made was "you can price on size of company, type of watch the buyer wears etc." Can you explain how? Is it as easy as saying "bigger company, higher value"? (timestamp: 21m 19s)

How can we develop relationships that lead to knowing about upcoming projects, before large outsourcing firms get involved? What ways have you found yourself eligible to be on a company’s vendor list? (timestamp: 27m 18s)

Is there a ideal set of questions (or outcome goals) to have in mind during the market research interview rounds? (timestamp: 33m 48s)

What’s the best way to find ’dumb money jobs’ as you advised last time, that would still relate to the field and skills that I’d be willing to build my business around? ( design in my case). Last time you proposed to do Fiverr&Co,, but that also requires pretty demanding resources in terms of marketing and time investment..is there a ideal way I could for example reach out and propose myself to agencies? (timestamp: 41m 53s)

(If you’re curious, you can review the entire list of past questions here)

Do you have questions like these that you’d like to get answered?

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P.S. Would you like to see a FREE sample of what group coaching is like? Here’s a past session: FREE replay of Group Coaching session
